2024.1.7. 나해_공현대축일(연중1주일) 감사성찬례 이사 60:1-6 / 시편 72:1-7, 10-14 / 에페 3:1-12 / 마태 2:1-12 “이제 가라, 이제 가라” 채야고보 신부 / 대한성공회 제주우정교회, Artist It all began with the three wise men Followed a star took them to Bethlehem And made it heard throughout the land Born was a leader of man All going down to see the Lord Jesus All going down to see the Lord Jesus All going down 모든 것은 세 명의 박사들로 시작됐어 별을 따라 베들레헴으로 이끌려갔던..